Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Things My Family Does (that bug me)

So freaking cold right now. And I have no gloves to warm up my hands with. These are the times when I should buy a little heater for my room. One I can set up right next to my desk and keep me toasty. Alas, here I sit frozen. The rumors are that we have a high chance of snow either tomorrow or Thursday. I can't remember which. Which for those of you who don't know is like a one in a zillion chance of ever happening in this city. The only times I can remember it snowing in Tucson was a long time ago on Easter and then a couple of years ago when there was actually a snow day. That was incredible. It was like that Nickelodeon movie, sort of.

Since Rachel bought Call of Duty: Black Ops I've given it several tries, all of which have been less than successful. I don't know if it's that I'm not used to first person shooters or I just plain suck at the game, but it pisses me off. I try to run and then shoot people, I can't keep steady aim, I think I'm blind so I can't even spot anyone faraway to shoot at. It's frustrating. I'm at level 3, whatever that means and can't get a kill to save my life. I won't give up. But it is trying my patience. I had more success with Donkey Kong Country Returns. Even though the level with the bats nearly forced me to throwing my Wiimote at the wall. I get flustered easily. I've practiced controlling that anger and so far it's getting better. Still. I have my moments.

Christmas was nice. I mean, as I've gotten older I really haven't asked for anything. This year especially. I guess I feel bad because my parents splurge and then I feel guilty. Hopefully someday I'll get a job and bring in the moolah and pay them back. But anyways the big family get-together won't happen until New Year's Day at my uncle's house.

Really quick I'm going to be a bitch about something. Secretly, I think my uncle's family copies us. No joke. This has happened on several different occasions. First, when we first got a Wii back in like 2007, which was a heck of a journey to find especially because they had just come out, not too long after they decided to get one. Not convinced? Last year when our microwave decided to kick the bucket we went out and got a new one. Then at Christmas last year, they had the EXACT SAME ONE. Same model and everything. One last bit. Couple of months ago my sister and I bought an Xbox 360 because I was getting bored with the Wii's lack of mature video games. And I wanted to broaden my gamer horizon. Our Xbox is the newer model with built-in Wifi and all that crap. So this week, my cousin texts Rachel that we should bring over our Kinect to play on New Year's. I'm thinking, "Well they have the older Xbox so I don't think that we can play it on theirs'" Browing stupid ol' Facebook, my aunt's profile has some Christmas pictures. I decide to browse. What do I soon lay eyes on? A picture of my cousin. Opening. A. Damn. New. Xbox. 360. Just. Like. Ours.

What the hell is that?

Not that I'm trying to brag but their the type of family who have to have all the latest gadgets and shove them in your face. So I guess it's a natural thing.


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