Monday, January 10, 2011

Boom goes my life

So *imaginarily pinches bridge of nose* this past week has been really trying my patience. Not only has it been stressful and busy. Because it has. But things are really starting to fall into the shitter. Let me brake it down for you all.

Last Wednesday, I woke up at the dark of dawn to take my sister to school because lawd knows my momma sleeps in 'til 11 and doesn't budge except to scream her usual, and annoying, "Get up!!!" I throw on a sweater and floppy sweatpants and start the car up. All the windows are frozen. So time to defrost. The whole way to Cholla I notice that the back window is still covered in ice, despite the rest being clear. I ignore it. I get back home and it's the same. Finally, I take a look at it and what the crap. The whole back windshield is shattered. Bitch. Now it's tough to determine what exactly caused this. I got rear-ended last year and it is possible that the window suffered a microscopic crack and the cold dealt the knockout. However, I have my doubts. There seemed to be a focal point where most of the class cracked. Hoodlums? I'd love to blame some. This neighborhood is getting pretty weird. So. Yeah.

If you were under your rocks yesterday, you may notta heard about that shooting that went down at Safeway. Normally I don't really care about these things. I mean I think well that's unfortunate and sad. But I think it's because it was like an assassination attempt and it was a political figure and that it was so close to home, plus that now the entire planet has got their feelers pointing in our direction. This one actually shook me a bit. This looks like something that is really going to shake up everyone and change things. History, people. Just lived it.

Lastly, after the already insane day, I come home to a letter from PCC. Believing it's my check for the extra money I need to spend on stupid books, I feel great. Yet, that high is shortly destroyed. Here's the thing. I got two scholarships for Pima. One was a scholars one that would pay my entire tuition for two years. The second was one from Cholla that gave me 500 smackers each semester. So I was set for a while. But as always, I jinx it. The letter was not a check. Nor was it any sort of good news. In a blurb, it said "We are sorry to inform you that your GPA has fallen below the 3.00 that is required for this scholarship. You will not be able to continue with this scholarship. You lost this scholarship. 'Kay love you bye bye."
Sooooo. Yes. The worst has come true. We're supposed to go try and talk to some big wigs tomorrow and see if it's possible to get things sorted out. I probably screwed up because of that animation class, in which I got an "incomplete" because I didn't turn in the final. I'm supposed to this week actually so it's possible they will spare my life. I could blame it on that girl who postponed the return of my squirrel film because her dumb ass had to animate last minute. I could blame the teacher for not informing me of drawing earlier then the month we were to animate. Ultimately, it's probably my fault. I messed up and snoozed a bit.

Unless I get the scholarship back, I have two choices:
1. Drop the honors class that the scholarship required and use the Cholla money to pay for the tuition. Although I now have to buy books out of my own pocket.
2. Drop out of Pima for a while, get a job, get my ducks in a row, and attempt to continue at a later date.

Honestly I'd rather the latter but I know that wouldn't fly with my "bosses". I expected this year to go off with a bang. Poop was I right.

I need to get laid. Bad.

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