Ka-pow kids!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Oh yeah, and I got my Rocket Poppeteers certificate in the mail. I'm part of the Super Speedflier Fleet.
The Things My Family Does (that bug me)
So freaking cold right now. And I have no gloves to warm up my hands with. These are the times when I should buy a little heater for my room. One I can set up right next to my desk and keep me toasty. Alas, here I sit frozen. The rumors are that we have a high chance of snow either tomorrow or Thursday. I can't remember which. Which for those of you who don't know is like a one in a zillion chance of ever happening in this city. The only times I can remember it snowing in Tucson was a long time ago on Easter and then a couple of years ago when there was actually a snow day. That was incredible. It was like that Nickelodeon movie, sort of.
Since Rachel bought Call of Duty: Black Ops I've given it several tries, all of which have been less than successful. I don't know if it's that I'm not used to first person shooters or I just plain suck at the game, but it pisses me off. I try to run and then shoot people, I can't keep steady aim, I think I'm blind so I can't even spot anyone faraway to shoot at. It's frustrating. I'm at level 3, whatever that means and can't get a kill to save my life. I won't give up. But it is trying my patience. I had more success with Donkey Kong Country Returns. Even though the level with the bats nearly forced me to throwing my Wiimote at the wall. I get flustered easily. I've practiced controlling that anger and so far it's getting better. Still. I have my moments.
Christmas was nice. I mean, as I've gotten older I really haven't asked for anything. This year especially. I guess I feel bad because my parents splurge and then I feel guilty. Hopefully someday I'll get a job and bring in the moolah and pay them back. But anyways the big family get-together won't happen until New Year's Day at my uncle's house.
Really quick I'm going to be a bitch about something. Secretly, I think my uncle's family copies us. No joke. This has happened on several different occasions. First, when we first got a Wii back in like 2007, which was a heck of a journey to find especially because they had just come out, not too long after they decided to get one. Not convinced? Last year when our microwave decided to kick the bucket we went out and got a new one. Then at Christmas last year, they had the EXACT SAME ONE. Same model and everything. One last bit. Couple of months ago my sister and I bought an Xbox 360 because I was getting bored with the Wii's lack of mature video games. And I wanted to broaden my gamer horizon. Our Xbox is the newer model with built-in Wifi and all that crap. So this week, my cousin texts Rachel that we should bring over our Kinect to play on New Year's. I'm thinking, "Well they have the older Xbox so I don't think that we can play it on theirs'" Browing stupid ol' Facebook, my aunt's profile has some Christmas pictures. I decide to browse. What do I soon lay eyes on? A picture of my cousin. Opening. A. Damn. New. Xbox. 360. Just. Like. Ours.
What the hell is that?
Not that I'm trying to brag but their the type of family who have to have all the latest gadgets and shove them in your face. So I guess it's a natural thing.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Question of the Day #2
Are the Who's part cat? Are the Who's part rat?
With all the Christmas food, how is it they are not fat?
I'm serious about this question, I will not delay
What the hell are those creatures anyway?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Please be neat, and dispose of your shit.
After a long day of driving around doing nothing with Rachel and mom, besides buying dog beds and one Christmas present and going to volleyball practice while I snooze in the car, we needed gas and stopped by am/pm. Needing to wash my manos, I stepped inside to do so. To my dismay there was no soap. Bitch. I would like to take a moment to address certain bathroom etiquette that should be practiced by every person on this planet:
- Dispensaries: You do not know how many times I have gone into a restroom and had no paper towels, no toilet paper or no soap. I would probably blame employees for this because they should be up in there filling that up every hour or so when they need to check it. I hate not being able to clean my hands or actually use the porcelain throne because there is a lack of materials. God, I've never complained but it's getting to that point where it should just be common knowledge.
- Toilet Usage: This is another one that everyone should know and do. Is it really THAT hard to flush the damn toilet? "Oh let's go in this stall, la la la, UGH! Ew, nasty, leaving, now." Folks, this is just the laziness of people. You can do that at your own home, but in public it doesn't fly. Whether it be Number 1 or Number 2 (or worse) please attempt to flush. I have come upon some hot messes and let me tell you they are atomic. Plus, this causes the whole bathroom to reek and the situation goes from bad to disgusting. Then there are the rare instances when we have a flow of chocolate nuggets making their way down the river. The kids never made it to the pool. The pool freaking flooded over. Sorry this is grossing me out just writing it.
- Washing: Wash your damn hands! It's so gross that I watch people do there thing and mosey on out without cleaning up. I guess if you want piss all over your hands and face then I hope you get sick.
Those are the big three. I know there are many more, but I don't want to ramble. It's late, I'm exhausted, I have to wait until next year to finish my animation project. Oh, joy.
My desk is falling apart. I stuck a piece of tape on the edge for a sec and when it comes time to peel it off, the finish rips off. Damn cheap Office Max desks. But it's partially my fault because I chose the thing. Still nice, but it's cheap.
Sorry, weird post. The end of the year is coming and boy has it been a wacky one. Will I make a New Year's resolution? Maybe, though like many I fail them almost instantaneously. But I'll think about it.
Until next time, over and out.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Good day today. Could have been better, could have been worse. So it was just good. Me and the ol' famila decided to take a little trip to the ol' mall. Even if it was at 5:3o in the evening. Originally, it was to be at around 2:00. But stuff came up and if took us three hours to finally leave.
Usually we don't do much as a family anymore. It seems that life, volleyball, or some other factor is slowly pushing us all apart. There hardly seems a day when we are all doing nothing and can go out as a whole. It's sad really. And probably what is happening with most families nowadays. Dinners at the table are something of the past. Texting or calling another person while in the SAME HOUSE is atrocious. Not getting to see someone because they work so many days of the week from dawn until dusk. What's happened to our society? Does anyone even care anymore? Is anyone even reading this?!
These are the times when I think people, or as I like to be weird and call them "humans" (like "Wow, look at all the humans" or "Wonder what those humans are thinking about". Me = Strange) as failing to live properly, in a manner of speaking. No longer are people even families anymore. Simply, related individuals who happen to reside in a single residence for an extended period of time. Technology has brainwashed us into distant figures that's only goal in life is to be beautiful, fake and the proud owner of the newest gadget. I've somewhat fallen into that pitfall, but half the time I don't ever use my phone. I never get texts anyways. But my iPod and computer have enslaved me. I've tried to pry myself away, but sometimes it's just too much. Damn you luminescent overlords! We're gonna be ruled by robots, man. I've recently found a great fondness for Jeff Bridges' laid-back, out-of-date hippie personality. He has become my new hero.
It's interesting to note, that you can't even splurge on a nice pair of pants at the mall without blowing a hole in your wallet. Really, $70 for jeans? Even if they are half off and in the clearance section that's berserk. Thanks Guess, you suck. But I don't care about those stores. Maybe someday when I have thousands of dollars (ha) I can get all the expensive clothes I want. Not cause I want brand names, just because they look nice. One can only shop at Wal-mart for so long. Later we ate at the California Pizza Kitchen, which was very good. I enjoyed a Garlic Chicken Pizza so my breath is wretched. It was at the price of a good pizza so I'd say it was a smart move. Overall, a lovely night. Hopefully one of many more to come.
Dear Santa,
I may not have a firm belief in you anymore, but hear me out this year because things are getting really screwy. You're like the second grandpa I never had. I know you're busy and I don't want to seem greedy, so hear me out. I've been going though a lot of changes recently: trying to find myself, change my whole outlook on life, college, etc.
And if you happen to get this little letter of mine, since I'm sure you're hip now and have an email address, I only ask for a few things this Christmas:
1) That nice tweed coat I saw at Sears today. I'm tired of sweat-jackets and that one looked really sharp.
2) World peace.
3) Someone to talk to. I talk to myself a lot. Not because I'm crazy or anything, even though insanity may be the only explanation. Just that even though I've got friends on the stupid Facebook and my family, I've never found anyone I can really relate to or purge to. That sounds bad. Anyways, this is probably the most important of the three. Even though number 2 is uber serious.
Take the time to think it over Santa and have a happy holiday. I know I'll attempt to.
Still here,
P.S. I promise to remember your milk and cookies, big guy.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Nose Dive
The other day, Sunday actually, while sissy was out at volleyball practice, I decided to go see a play. Now, I don't do this often, so it's really whenever I have a few hours to spare and some money to go do it. I end up going by myself anyways so I don't need to concern myself with others. I always am dumb so I end up never making a reservation, but end up getting a single seat somewhere in the audience. Oh man the audience you guys. I'm not hating on the grannies but my God they were everywhere! I'm sure the everyone in the theatre was over 60. Except for maybe 4 other people who were in their mid 20's or early 30's. I was the youngest person there. Very weird.
When I was waiting for my seat out in the lobby, there was this older couple sitting there awaiting seats themselves. The woman with short greyish hair, little heavy set, with glasses sat next to me on the couch. She then points to a container of Tootsie Pops on the lobby desk priced at 50 cents. Here's a vague description of our conversation.
LADY: Wow can you believe those are only 50 cents?
ME: I know, especially in this day and age.
LADY: Uh huh. You know when I was younger they used to sell these sweet buns with honey on them (I don't remember what they were. Some baked good.) and sold them for a nickel.
ME: Wow. It's crazy how expensive things have gotten.
LADY: Yes. I like telling my kids (grandkids?) about when I was younger and how things used to be. There used to be a milk man who would drive around in a truck with a freezer in the back, who would bring the glass containers up to your door. We also had the first television when they had first come out. We sat there and watched static for hours and occasionally see the outline of a person. And then one time we got a channel from Mexico!
ME: How interesting.
I was trying to be interested. I mean I didn't want to be rude, but I didn't have much to say. Still, it was sweet having that stereotypical "old lady" moment where they reminisce about the good old days. The play was wonderful. Funny, charming, and makes me remember what Christmas is all about. Jim Carrey's Grinch was on last night and it did the same. But then I think that tomorrow I'll probably go Christmas shopping for the white elephant thing or relatives and then it ends up being all about the gifts. Bother. Last year I got a charging dock but only because I didn't want the Hickory Farms box set. We already had two at home. It sucks. Christmas sucks. There's no jolly mood anymore. No surprise or festive cheer. Christmas Eve will stink because my parents are working and there won't be the routine family get together. Unless it gets postponed to New Years Eve/Day. *sigh*
It's a wonderful life, no?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
I Am Recluse
So stress week has begun. Pfft what am I saying, every week is stressful for me! Why? Because I stress myself for no logical reason. No wonder I have no life.
As you may have noticed, below/some days ago I posted The Hermit card. I actually have a tarot card set. Not cause I practice anything, but because I went through this this weird Dr. Facilier phase last year and had the urge to buy a deck. So on a trip to Borders I decided to pick one up. Haven't touched it sense. I'm sure the spirits are upset with me. For the record I'd just like to say I think Borders>Barnes & Noble. Seriously if you think about it you can't even search books at B&N. And they have crappy selection. Especially in movies and CD's. I don't care if it's a bookstore, if Borders has it then maybe they should have it too. Just saying. What was I saying?
Oh yes, hermit crabs.
I came to this conclusion along time ago; that I am in fact a hermit, 'cept for the beard, greasy hands, bugs in my teeth, branches in my hair or old worn down coats gracing my shoulders. Really I can't even grow a beard. What I mean to say is that I exhibit similar a similar lifestyle to a hermit. My room has become my sanctuary where I practically thrive most of the day. I don't go out with friends. Not because they don't invite me, which has never actually happened, but because I just never feel like it nor do I push myself to attempt leaving this house. It's always the same old crap. See here's the issue. As much as I want to be social, there is this part of me that resists. I contradict myself. I can't just go up and make friends or introduce myself, as much as I would like to. It sucks to be shy, yet unfortunately I am cursed with this trait.
Continues to remind me that being single bites.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Good day, sir
There's no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going.
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing.
Is it raining?
Is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a blowing?
Not a speck of light is showing
so the danger must be growing.
Are the fires of hell a glowing?
Is the grisly reaper mowing?
Yes! The danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing.
And they're certainly not showing
any signs that they are slowing!
Which direction we are going.
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing.
Is it raining?
Is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a blowing?
Not a speck of light is showing
so the danger must be growing.
Are the fires of hell a glowing?
Is the grisly reaper mowing?
Yes! The danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing.
And they're certainly not showing
any signs that they are slowing!
Friday, December 3, 2010
And the List Goes On
Well look at this blog. You like it? I thought it needed a little sprucing up. The plain white on white look kind of sucked so it looks a little better now. You're probably wondering what the heck is up with that picture on the top, right? That's a piece I did last year in art class. I'm not sure what the assignment was, but this is what happens when my imagination runs wild. Weird shit happens. As you can see there are a variety of happenings happening there.
- Some button-eyed birds with fingered hands and worm feet soar through the skies.
- A "sun fish" flies leisurely along.
- There is a huge creature in the middle. It's actually comprised of many things; a human mouth, a turtle shell, the body of a whale, a dinosaur tail, rhino legs, a plant growing from it's head with an egg on the end from which a one-eyed yolk emerges. What.
- Little crab near the bottom. I almost said little crap.
- Funky polluted water.
- A goat man sitting and powering a generator. Why I drew clouds near the bottom I'm not sure. I think it was supposed to be an upside-down waterfall.
And then rocks and mountains and so on. This is one of my more abstract drawings. There are some more I'll post as time goes on. Along with other various doodles and thing a ma bobs. Pac Man and the Mrs. picture located below (see post below) was made in Paint. The program Paint not the real stuff. That one's really cool.
In other news, I still feel like garbage. This cold sucks major donkey genitalia and can't stop coughing to safe my life. I need to reserve my ticket for the midnight showing of TRON in a few weeks. Most likely I'll end up going by myself, since no one else in my household seems to be interested in what I like or am doing. I need to sleep, although I have no urge to do so. Christmas is getting closer and I have to buy a gift for a family exchange. What's lame is that the person I have to buy for has my Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows book that I thought my cousin was reading, but instead ended up with her (now) ex husband. That should constitute as his gift. I don't even really want it back. He can just keep it as a present from me so I don't have to waste money on a gift card or basket of shampoos or something stupid.
Christmas is such a stressing time.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Used Up Tissues
At last, I am feeling somewhat hopeful that I'll get my animation done in time for next Monday & Tuesday. I have been forcing myself to draw out every, freaking, movement for these cartoon squirrels, which honestly come across as mutated rabbits with long swirly tails. Don't give a care, need to get it finished. Never did I think animating would be this hard. It seemed simple, watching the Disney experts do it or attempting it as Disneyland in their little classes for the artistic impaired. Boy, was I wrong. However, it's getting there.
Just like hopes springing high, still I rise.
Being sick sucks worse than... well being sick and depressed. For some reason, the symptoms always go in the same exact order. First, I wake up with a sore throat. That is probably the most annoying and painful of the entire period of a cold. Talking hurts, swallowing is frustrating, you can hardly talk to anyone for fear of the burn. Then I have to down about 30 Ricolas to temporarily cease the torture. Another way to stop a sore throat for a while is to eat some toothpaste. Yeah I know, "WHAT?" Yeah I know you're not supposed to eat it. Let me tell you, it stings a bit but the mint flavor helps. And it numbs and soothes the pain. Even if it's last so long.
Next we move on to the clogged up nose. There was this one time I was sick, my nose was so stuffed up, I was laying in bed crying because I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to breathe. This one isn't so bad. Stuffed noses just require constant trips to the Kleenex box. Then the trash ends up filled to the brim with those dirty rags; so gross. My mom gets nose spray sometimes, which I snort to get a little relief. Yet you do it once, then in a few minutes you want another snort. Kind of like drugs, kind of like those Vicks mini inhalers. You can't get enough of them, especially if you have a cold.
Last, but certainly not least, is the cough. This one just become plain annoying. Every three seconds *cough**cough**cough**hack!* There's always the ones that are so bad they make you gag. It becomes super awkward when you're in a quiet room with a bunch of other people and you are the only one shattering the silence.
That reminds me of two occasions when I had fevers. The first I was sick at home, lying in my bed. It was nighttime and my mom was sitting on the edge of the bed comforting me, if that's what you could call it. I gaze up to my wall, in a dreamlike trance. Soon I see this imaginary vent near the ceiling that's oozing a gooey blue liquid. I pointed to it and said, "Water..." That was the first time I ever hallucinated. Unless it was all a dream. But I like to think of it as the former because it makes a cool story. The second was when my family and I were in San Diego for summer vacation and we had just eaten at the most popular and well known mexican in Old Town. Well as it was turning to dusk, we decided to go into the Whaley House that was right across the street. This house (from what I've read) has been there for years. Not like 10 or 20 but like decades. So we're talking YEARS. It's supposed to be the most haunted house in America, according to the tour guides and Travel Channel's Most Haunted Places in America. We pay and go in, are shown around the little court room, and living room, and kitchen, and bedrooms, and sitting rooms and so on. Sadly, no ghosts and honestly a little boring. So we get back to our hotel which isn't too far away. When we get there, all of the sudden I come down with a fever. I didn't know why. I hadn't been feeling sick or anything earlier. Although it was probably just those rare instances when one gets sick out of the blue, I believe that I was possessed by a ghost. Here I'll pause for your laughter.
Done? No? Then by all means continue on.
Now? Good. Yeah I'm just being dumb, but there was really no explanation for it. Although I never felt like there was someone else inside me. I guess it's just me trying to make everyday, normal, plain situations exciting and fun. Because heaven knows my life is about as exciting as a Twilight movie.
And that's a bunch of horseshit nonsense.
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